Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 7 was a Productive TISG day

It was a was a warm one, but we had Barry, Glenda, Hedrik, Christine, Marg, and Gretchen turn up.  Glenda tackled DSV in the New Woods (NW), cutting new growth, clearing out last year's growth from tree branches.

Hedrik is also worked in the NW, working today with a sickle to clear the wooded area just west of the pond and then, toward the end of the morning, switching over to the Butterfly Meadow, where he also volunteers on Wednesday evenings.

Christine and Marg continued using shears to clip around native plants and small trees in the north east corner of the Old Field and the Triangle.

Christine located some rare white-blooming DSV as well as an even rarer diseased or damaged plant; these were left standing for further observation. We are particularly curious about the distressed plant; the cause of the distress is not clear, but it is significant, as the plant's flowers have dried up and its leaves are spotted and browning.

Barry continued with the scythe, cutting a small area on the west edge of the pond just south of the willow and recutting around the tarp laid down in Week 4. The wind had blown it around quite a bit and DSV was thriving; Barry straightened out the tarp, replacing the branches being used to help it stay in place. Obviously, heavier weights will be necessary. Barry then continued in the Old Field, cutting at the northeast corner. After break, he cut the area leading into and surrounding the bird feeder at the entrance to the Ash Woodlot.

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