Barry continued cutting Dog-Strangling Vine (DSV) which is now under its best growing conditions, reaching over a metre high and twining, mostly around itself.
DSV is getting harder to cut for several reasons, including thicker, woodier stems, difficulty seeing ground level owing to twining, and its growth into trees, which is aided in places where last year's vines had not been removed. Comfrey is now also very tall (some plants almost 2 metres) and flowering. No DSV grows in comfrey patches, but areas of the New Woods are being taken over by it. Pick our poison!

The New Woods presents a discouraging scene; it is difficult to see any lasting results of our efforts throughout May. Much regrowth, coming up through the newspaper / leaf mulch (both through the mulch and at the edges, including right at the tree trunks) and vigorous enough to push up the tarp. It seems that this vigour is enough to displace the tarps, so we will need to revisit our approach to how to use both large tarps and the mulch.

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