Monday, August 8, 2011

Friday August 5 and Saturday August 6

Friday, August 5: Barry photographed the work done on Tuesday, apart from the piles of DSV, already removed by AAFC.  He continued scything the area on the south side of the ravine that he and Geoff had started, working around the trees and down the upper slope of the ravine until stopped by a large stand of flowering raspberries.

There seems to be little DSV further into the ravine beyond this stand, although clumps of DSV appear at other places. The area between the mystery circle and the walnut tree is now mostly cleared, but some mop-up is still required, including raking up and stacking the cut plants.

Saturday, August 6: Geoff came in the morning to work just west of the mystery circle, clearing out the area bounded by it, the east-west trail and the sumac stand. His photographs of the work done include an impressive stack of cut DSV!




We are now ready to move east, to the three areas north of the Ash Woods. The first of these, between the north-south trail and the line of tamaracks, is in pretty good shape, there being so many trees, bushes and other plants that the DSV is pretty well confined to the out perimeter - or so it seemed on first look on Friday. The other areas are heavy with DSV which has climbed into the many scattered trees and bushes. Sandy pointed out a black-and-white paper wasp nest in one of the trees near the trail. We will need to avoid this, as this species will attack aggressively if disturbed.

Two more work bees have been scheduled, for Sunday August 14 and Sunday September 11.  Notices are being put on the website and in the upcoming newsletter.

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