As bad a Dog-Strangling Vine (DSV) is, we have to be so grateful that Kudzu is not a problem in the Ottawa area.
Kudzu is a terribly aggressive invasive in the US and now in some areas of Canada (e.g. Lake Erie). Originally from Japan, it was once thought to be an erosion control solution in the States. Now, it has gotten out of control. It grows up to 30 centimetres a day, blanketing everything in its path, including hydro poles, fences, houses and highway signs. Control has been extremely difficult and expensive.
And now, here is a 16 year old guy with a solution, the "Kudzu Kid". Originally, Jacob Schindler had hopes of making his mark by growing Kudzu on Mars. When he realized that wouldn't work because of the amounts of helium on Mars, the wheels started turning and he tried injecting helium into the tuberous roots of Kudzu. Zap. Success. Patents are pending. Experiments are running. Looks like this is working.
Maybe Jacob will turn his mind to DSV?
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