Volunteers: Barry, Geoff, Glenda, Christine, Marg
The idea was to start in the first of three fields north of the Ash Woods, the one on the west side of the trail that runs along the west side of the Woods then curves around to the east. Geoff worked in this area, starting just below the curve and working his way around it, ending up on the east side of the row of tamaracks that separate this shrubby area from the middle field.
Glenda and Barry intended to work directly with Geoff but discovered that there was a good deal of DSV in the southern end of the field worked on last week. Glenda continued working there, pulling copious vines out from among the sumacs and other bushes, while Barry worked in even denser ground across the trail from her.
This is the transition point, where the Ash Woods ends and the dense shrubs and trees of the new work area begin. The scythe reached its limit in this area, and the clamp holding the blade to the snath fell apart. It was a hard day for tools, as Geoff found his rake in pieces too. The good news was discovering that a pitch fork is a pretty handy device for stacking cut vines. After a hard morning's work, Glenda stayed behind to take photographs for the blog.
Christine and Marg continued in the Old Field, weeding DSV out from among the beneficial plants in the northeast corner. At Christine's suggested, the decision has been made to mow half of the Old Field at the end of the season, i.e., in October, but the area to be mowed does not have a lot of DSV in it. The other half will be mowed in October 2012.
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